How effective are Q-Grips at removing ear wax?

How effective are Q-Grips at removing ear wax?-Axel Glade

Ear wax is a completely natural secretion in our ears. As disgusting as it may appear, ear wax actually plays a critical function in our ears. It keeps the eardrums safe from external factors such as dust, dirt, germs and bacteria. Without a doubt, ear wax is important to keep our ears safe, but this doesn’t mean it cannot cause problems.

Excessive secretion of earwax by glands is when the problems arise. Too much ear wax in the canal can not only cause irritation but also lead to fungal infections in the ear.

What is the way out? How can you protect your ear from the harmful effects of excessive ear wax? Simply, by keeping it clean. Now, there are numerous ways to keep your ears clean – right from cotton buds, ear drops to water irrigation. These methods are effective, but are they safe? What if you end up pushing the ear wax further in the canal, rather than taking it out?

This is precisely where Q-grips come into the picture. Q-grips is an advanced tool, using which you can safely remove the wax from your ear. The design of Q-grips is such that it doesn’t push the wax inside your ear but rather sucks the wax out effectively.

With our Q-grips review, you will get to know about the amazing benefits of this product. We will also be covering the downside to the product in our review. Read on to know more.

Benefits of Q-grips

Q-grips is one of the best devices invented to maintain the health and hygiene of your ears. Let’s understand the different aspects of Q-grips.


Made of fibre plastic, the device is durable, lightweight and extremely sleek.


Extremely easy to use, the device is also compatible with people of all ages. A box of Q-grips comes with six different sized tips. As per the age and size of the ear, you can pick the appropriate tip to use. These tips are made of silicon and are super soft and gentle on the ear.


The device features a motor, which slowly rotates the tips while vibrating them gently. This helps collect the wax easily in the digs, which form a swirl on the tip. The device is powered by 6 AA batteries, which are rechargeable. You can use this device for a long time.


A painless method of removing ear wax, Q-grips is popular across all age groups. Especially among toddlers, where mothers can use this fuss-free device to get rid of wax from their kids’ ears. All you have to do is insert the device in your ears for a few minutes, and you’re done!


Risks of Q-grip

Every gadget has its pros and cons, and the same applies to Q-grips too. Most Q-grips reviews claim it to be the best product for ear wax removal. But there’s more to the story. Let’s delve into why Q-grips isn’t really the best option to get wax out of your ears:

Can Cause Damage

If you turn the Q-grips too much, there is a possibility of you damaging your eardrums unknowingly.

Unsuitable for Small ears

Q-grips is not suitable for smaller ears. Despite the product coming in multiple sizes, it doesn’t really work effectively in small-sized ears.


What can be used instead of Q-grips?

Now that you’ve read all about the cons Q-grips come with, let’s help you find an alternative device to maintain the health and hygiene of your ears. Spade, an amazing product from Axel Glade is the perfect substitute to all the other methods of ear wax removal, including Q-grips.

A smart device, Spade flaunts a 3MPX sensor that wirelessly streams a full view of the inside of your ear on your mobile devices. You also have EarPricks, a sleek tool that is designed to gently scoop out the wax from your ear. With the help of the view offered by the sensor right and with EarPicks, you can safely get rid of the wax from your ear.

With five-hour battery life, you wouldn’t need to charge the device for two whole months. With its impressive technology, Spade is undoubtedly the best method to remove wax from your ears without damaging or harming them in any way!